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Earn MONEY from your wap site easy
All You have to do is register here
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How it works?
Make Money is a mini ad company incorporated with a few other bigger AD Companies, we give you 2 cents for earnin link clicks and 5 cents for Ref. users.We get money from other AD companies and we get Get Advertise from wap sites in other part. we usually do payout the 1-5 of every month!

Terms & Conditions
-You may not create more than one account,
-You can't do own clicks for earnin credits
-We have zero tolerence against cheating, so don't try
-Any violation of the rules will have your account terminated

Q. How can I get money from hitcoins?
A. We pay you via paypal or by a check

Q. Whats pay paypal? I dont have it.
A. PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. Go to from a PC and creat your Paypal account there.

Q. Im not still understand about Paypal
A. Ok. we will pay you by a check.

Q. Can I advertise My wap with HitCoins?
A certainly! it costs only 5 US dollers per Month and We Confirm you thousands of hitz!! and we Offer Hit incoming and control Admin panel When you buy it.

Q. Can I transfer My earned money to Advertise my wap...?
A.Yes When you earn upto 5 US Dollars, you can transfer and spend your earned money to Adertise your site with us.

Q. Can I trust on HitCoins?
A. Of coz! We have already payout hundred of users. In payout page you can find their info. We heard that theres another few mini Ad. companies who not payout.and they cheat ppl! Not like other Advertisin sites we confim 100% ,hitCoins Keep users trust from the beginin!!

Q. Is this Hitcoins Programe Works for every country?
A. yes.

Q. Is this a Legal project?
A. Certainly We are All Rights Reserved

Q. I want to Make a site like HitCoins?Can i buy this script?
A. Yes you can.

Q. I still not found da Answer for My Question.
A. Dont Worry just Contact Us!
Contact Us! .We Do REPLY your All Questions Maximum in 24 hours!! Quick Reply is One part of our vision.

PayPal Links

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Got a Wap? Make Money!